
Climate Change Adaptation Plan


In November of 2022 the Red Dot Association applied for an Environmental Trust Fund (ETF) grant to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CCAP) for the community of Pointe du Chene. The purpose of this plan is to identify potential risks to the community due to climate change.

While some of our neighbouring communities, including The Town of Shediac and Beaubassin Est had already created a CCAP for their communities, a CCAP that was specific to Pointe du Chene did not exist.  The Red Dots saw the need to create a plan that was specific to Pointe du Chene and with the promise of amalgamation to happen on January 1, 2023, the Red Dots saw this an opportunity to create a plan that would augment the existing plan for Shediac.

The creation of this adaptation plan would address potential hazards, vulnerabilities and identify a series of adaptation actions needed to address and improve PDC resilience.

In June of 2023 the ETF Secretariat awarded the Red Dot Association with a grant of $40,000 principally to hire consultants to address these needs. In accordance with the ETF granting requirements a steering committee of community representatives was formed to guide this project.  The consulting firm chosen by this steering committee was CBCL. In their introduction CBCL identified that “the goal of this project is to identify key risks to municipal infrastructure and social and environmental conditions, and develop and prioritize adaptation measures to inform municipal planning and asset management.”

Through previously existing research and studies, the Pointe-du-Chêne coastal wetlands have been increasingly recognized as playing a critical role in absorbing storm water run-off, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion, and filtering and cleansing storm water before it enters the Pointe du Chene groundwater and waterways. Wetlands also provided an important wildlife habitat for birds and aquatic life. These ecosystems increase community resilience, protecting Pointe du Chene against intensifying weather events and changes in climate. These natural spaces also provide health, social, cultural, recreational, economic, and aesthetic benefits to local residents.



CCAP Steering Committee Members


  • DELG: Danielle Leger
  • DELG: Jenna Miller
  • DTI: Vincent Roussel
  • Dept of Natural Resources and Energy Development: Dominique Berube

Project Consultant

  • CBCL: Lindsay Allen

Municipal/Local Infrastructure

  • Mayor of Shediac: Roger Caissie
  • RCMP: Mario Maillet
  • Fire Dept: Captain Julien Boudreau
  • Ambulance: Mark Hicks
  • Infrastructure Maintenance:  Robert McEwen

Private Citizens

  • Cathy Gallant
  • Chris Dixon
  • Andre Veniot


  • Anglican Church: Julie Lawrence
  • Ducks Unlimited: Jodie Hambrook
  • SBWA: Helen Wedge
  • GSSC:  Joey Frenette
  • Shediac Chamber of Commerce: Anne McGraw

Red Dot Association

  • Tim Borlase
  • Arthur Melanson
  • Roger Whittaker
  • Helen Wedge
  • Bill Ross
CBCL logo

CBCL (Consulting Firm)

The RDASB steering committee selected CBCL as the engineering and environmental consulting firm to research and create the CCAP. CBCL identified that “the goal of this project (CCAP) is to identify key risks to municipal infrastructure and social and environmental conditions, and develop and prioritize adaptation measures to inform municipal planning and asset management.

Pointe du Chene Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CCAP)

The final draft of the CCAP was completed by CBCL on March 1, 2024 and was presented to the Shediac Town Council at the March 18, 2024 council meeting.

Link to Pointe du Chene CCAP final report:

2024 Pointe-du-Chêne CCAP_Final Report (4)

The presentation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Pointe-du-Chêne was delivered by CBCL engineers  -Lindsay Bolton and Lindsay Allen.  Click link to see Summary Presentation.
As a result of the discussion Harry McInroy Town Counsellor for Pointe-du-Chêne introduced the following motion. This motion was passed unanimously by the Shediac Town Council.


Pointe du Chene Climate Change Adaptation Plan Motion to Council

Presentation to Shediac Town Council March 18th 2024

I wish to acknowledge the ongoing vigilance of The Red Dot Association in its

mission to improve and protect the environment.

My thanks to that organization for spearheading this important process on

behalf of the Community of Pointe du Chene, and The Town of Shediac. I also

express my appreciation to all who participated in the development of the

Plan presented this evening.

With that, I move that the “Pointe du Chene Climate Change Adaptation Plan”

presented by CBCL on behalf of the Red Dot Association, be referred to staff

for review and recommendations, leading to the adoption of the Plan by Town

Council in a timely manner.

Harry McInroy, Counsellor for Pointe du Chene on the Shediac Town Council


Passed unanimously

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